Spoken English Flourish Your Language – PDF

Spoken English Flourish Your Language - PDF

English is a universal language and it is understood all over the world. In fact, in today’s world speaking English has become a necessity. It is not only that but today’s generation looks down upon anyone who is unable to speak English. It has become more like a status symbol. All the companies are recruiting only those people who speak fluent and correct English. With the coming up of the call center and multinational companies the need for English language has increased ten folds. With all this, happening one cannot afford to live without speaking English. In this book …

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How Successful People Think Change – PDF

How Successful People Think Change - PDF

                              “How Successful People Think Change” is a practical guide to help individuals and organizations navigate the complexities of change. Written by leadership expert John C. Maxwell, the book provides insight and  guidance on how to adopt a positive mindset, embrace change, and turn challenges into opportunities. The book covers a range of topics, including the benefits of change, common obstacles to change, and strategies for managing change effectively. With real-world examples, practical exercises, and clear, actionable advice, “How Successful People Think Change” is an …

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